Monday, August 30, 2010

wait, what font file?

here are some references about different types of font files:

post-it obsession

do they find me or do i find them?

they're around every corner..commercials, coupons, ads in magazines with little samples, just enough to get me hooked. i called my mother, "can you go through the coupons in your newspaper to see if you have an extra post-it coupon?" what a wonderful invention!

i had a cube with four colors in it. i couldn't wait to get to the sweet pea green color. one sheet in, someone in my house decided they needed a stack of post-its and broke off all of the green for their own.

now they make them in "extra sticky labels." ohhhhh! a new specimen! *evil grin*

i've already started planning my next trip to staples to see what i can get my hands on.

then, there's this: